Keeping your children safe online – Internet Footprint | E-Safety Blog Post 3

Welcome to Oakford’s first Blog Series! Throughout this series we will be exploring different areas on ways you can keep your children safe while using the Internet, giving you tips and advice! This is blog post 3 of 4.


Did you know that when using the Internet, everything you, your family and your guests do whilst on your Internet can be logged by your ISP (Internet Service Provider)? It is important to keep this in mind when using the Internet as once information is provided on the Internet, it is very difficult or impossible to remove, including things such as public messages or photos therefore, the education of how to use online information is critical to children. This therefore means you need to be extra confident in what you are posting, ensuring it is not anything that could have a negative repercussion.


As the Internet is becoming a pivotal part of education, children should be encouraged to become confident users and therefore, understand what type of material is good to put on the Internet and what is better left away from the public, especially when using social media platforms. With social media being such a popular platform for young users to use, it is crucial that they are using it correct. Children should be educated on the possible consequences of not acting appropriately on the internet, which could cause harm to their future. E.g. more and more employees are searching their candidates on social media and if there has been a wild comment or picture, it could influence their reputation and prevent you from getting the specific job.


For more information on how to keep your children safe when using online resources, visit where you can receive more in-depth tips and advice.


For more safety tips on how to keep your

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